D is for Dolls
Today my friend
Nell and I finally got together for a crafting day - we have been talking about dong this for so long, but until today it never eventuated.
It was a wonderful day spent learning how to make gorgeous little Steiner inspired dolls. Ever since I bought Jacinta's 'little baby' that she likes to take every where, Ive wanted to have a go at making these sorts of dolls. Luckily for me Nell had made them before (did I mention she is an amazingly multi talented crafter - knitting, spinning, crochet, scrap booking, sewing, quilting, patchwork, needlework, Teddy bear and doll making to name just a few of the crafts she is amazing at !) Even better she was happy to spend the day teaching me how to make them.

We cut and stitched, chatted, fed children who claimed to be hungry all day (but were not that interested in what ever food we supplied) Nell tended to the gorgeous baby Maddie, when she wasn't sleeping or laying on the floor making the cutest little cooing noises, we ate yummy food, drank tea and coffee and generally had a lovely creative day.
The result of which is two gorgeous little babies for my babies. Isaac is thrilled to have a baby of his own, and Jazz thinks two babies are far better than one!

I loved finally adding their facial features and watching their little personalities shine through. Its amazing how different and individual they can look.
Oh and they passed the ultimate test - come bed time, Isaac and Jacinta both asked for their 'babies' to sleep with - sweet!

There are plans (and a lovely stash of materials -thank you Nell) for some little bunny's to join the babies in the next few days to celebrate the Easter season. And plans for many more lovely days of crafting - Nell assures me she can have me knitting a beanie for Jacinta next time...wish her luck!!!
PS - No I didn't knit the babies beanies - Nell whipped them up for me!
PSS - THANK YOU so much for such a lovely day Nell - and I had to put the photo of you because there were none of me ;)