Today you have reached the 8 month mark, and I can finally report that you have teeth! Yes I meant to use the plural of the word. Thats right not just one tooth, but two. The top right one cut through on Grandmas birthday (15th) and the bottom right appeared a few days later (18th) Apart from bulging gums, and a lot of wanting to chew on things all the time, it was smooth sailing. No panadol, no teething gel required. No grumpiness, of tempratures etc - perhaps the amber teething necklace and bracelet did the trick.
You have taken to solids with gusto. You love everything you have tried so far. You usually have 2 weetbix and fruit for breakfast, fruit with with either yoghurt or custard for lunch, and vegies with ricotta, chicken, beef or a little of what ever meat we are having for tea through it. The other day I gave you a quarter of Isaacs cheese toastie to gum on - I could hardly believe my eyes when you sucked and swallowed away the whole thing. Ive tried a few different sipper cups and bottles with teats to try and get you to take some liquid from somewhere other than me. But to no avail. You are pretty set that the only place you are drinking from is Mummy! I will keep trying though, perhaps as it warms up and you become a little more thirsty you might be more receptive to the idea. Fingers crossed.
Last weekend we spent a couple of nights at the beach house. You were fascinated by the beach and the water. The beautiful warm days meant you could sit on the beach and enjoy watching your brothers and Daddy playing. The water was a little chilly, but you still got to dip your toes, and let the water lap around your legs. You looked very cute in your little bathers and hat - quite the little beach babe!
We still have our nightly 3am ish date for a feed. We cuddle up on the lounge and enjoy the peace and quiet for about 15 min, and then you settle straight back off to sleep. As hard as it is to drag myself out of my nice warm bed some nights, Im sure I will miss the snuggly night time feeds when you finally decide to give them up.You love spending time outside. Swinging in your swing, sitting in the afternoon shade and watching Isaac playing in the sandpit. It wont be long my little sweetness and you will be right there beside him. You like being out and about. Walking in the pram, or especially being carried in your new ergo baby carrier, you love to watch the world go by.
You also enjoy sitting in the seat of the shopping trolley. You look as pleased as punch when I pop you in and do up the strap. And you love being talked to by the people we meet on the way around the supermarket. You dont seem to have developed that shyness, or fear of strangers at this point, and give everyone that chats to you the most adorable big grins.I love watching the realtionships that are developing between you and your brothers. Especially Isaac. He just adores you. He is gentle and caring, although he is not keen on the loud noises you are experimenting with lately - he sits there with his hands over his ears, especially when you are doing it in the car right next to him.
He can always make you laugh. Great big contageous belly laughs. The sort that just have everyone with in ear shot giggling away to themselves or grinning from ear to ear. The sort that make a Mummies heart sing!. The two of you have so much fun together already! I havn't weighed you yet (must do that in the next few days) but I am pretty sure with all that food you will have put on some weight. Your belly is getting rounder thats for sure! You are still wearing size 00 clothes, and I have been slowly building up a stash of size 0 for you. All the beautiful Pumpkin Patch stuff I bought new in the 6 - 12 month size is still huge on you. Because you are quite short the T shirts are all like dresses on you. I think it will be only towards the end of summer that most of it will fit. Oh well its been a good excuse to have a bit of an online shopping spree - and yes Im still getting pretty much all your clothes pre loved, and really enjoying it too! Not sure the poor postie is having quite so much fun with it. He has to get off his bike and drop a parcle at my door every couple of days lately!
In the last week or so you have become much steadier when you are sitting up. I no longer need to prop you up with pillows. You only over balance occasionally. You can sit and pull the toys out of your basket all by yourself. You still have no interest in rolling over, and are not keen on tummy time. At least I know when I sit you on the floor thats where you will stay!
With all my love Mummy xxxxx