Friday, September 24, 2010

something about spots

As I drove down the street today, a glimpse of red & white spots caught my eye hanging on the rack outside the op shop. On the way back I popped in to investigate. What I thought was a ladies skirt (which was destined to be refashioned for Jacinta) was in fact a gorgeous little size 3 dress - perfect! There are red ties at the back, and its cut to be very twirly - so girly and fun! It has a few marks on it, but I'm happy to look past them (especially since it was only $2) - probably a good thing really, I wont feel the need to keep it for 'best'. Its had a quick soak and a wash and was hanging on the clothes line flapping in the breeze by late this afternoon.

There is something so likable about spots - especially in red & white!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Never smile at a crocodile

although when it is as cute as this, how could you resist?

I spent last Tuesday at the sewing machine re fashioning a micro suede ladies pants and shirt, a piece of crinkly green fabric and an old baseball cap (all from the local op-shop for the grand total of $5) into one groovy crocodile costume for my little man. It took WAY more time and energy than I imagined - especially he head, but I got there in the end. In typical - leave it to the last minute to finish it off like I always do - fashion, I was still attaching the tail properly, adding the teeth and making shoe covers an hour before it was needed!

Thursday evening Isaac had a Zany Zoo Party kindy disco. It was so cute. The kids had to purchase a ticket before the event and present it on the night. The teachers were all dressed as zoo keepers, and the kids all dressed as animals. They spend a few hours at a local function centre, doing activities, dancing and having tea. The kids are so lucky to have a team of exceptionally dedicated and enthusiastic staff at our local kindy. They always provide a wide variety of activities and experiences apart from just the everyday kindy sessions.

For those of you in other states (or countries) Kindergarten in SA is a non compulsory sessional year before the beginning of primary school. At our Kindy children attend one term of pre-entry sessions, 2 hours, once a week, the term they turn four. They are then offered four sessions a week for four terms. The majority of children here attend two full days a week from 8.45am - 3.00pm. It is a play based curriculum, and very much tailored to the children attending at any given time. It is a wonderful experience, and really helps prepare the children for their first year of Primary school (reception). They are used to basic routines, and being part of a group situation, and are used to interacting with a large group of children.

The staff are just wonderful - I know I already mentioned that, but they are. They really go above and beyond, they are a cohesive group, who really love what they do, and are prepared to try new things, undertake training, and be constantly evaluating the way they do things, and the reason they do them. This means that our children are constantly being engaged and challenged, they help to plan the activities they will be part of and are able to choose their level of participation in most activities. There are of course short times when they need to come together as a group, but as most of these children will be going into a school situation, these are important skills that will help their transition into the more formal school setting. once they turn five (or somewhere around age 5)

Anyway, so much for a quick post about Isaac's crocodile costume! Its nice to be back with something crafty to share, and to be caught up on my PAD shots. Ive still got Jacinta's 2 1/2 year letter and my party post in draft form, so I'm not really caught up, but I am getting there!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Photo a Day Challenge - September

Photo a Day - September 2010
days 1 - 18

once again minus a couple yet to be added. Apologies for the extremely image heavy post, I really wanted to get caught up while I had the chance.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Photo a Day Challenge - August

Photo a day - August 2010
days 21 - 31 (minus the couple that still need to be added!)

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

A trip down memory lane

Today is my last day as a thirty something, and I spent a good part of it looking through and scanning old slides at Mum & Dads.

I'm so grateful that many of the people in my life enjoyed documenting their lives through the lens of a camera. I remember my Pa always having his camera around. He would set us in place then use his light meter to get everything just right.

Here are some of my favourite shots of me and my sisters, mum, dad and grandparents. Oh how I loved looking at all the clothes, the hair, the cars, the backgrounds, the gorgeous dresses that mum made for us, , the special rug of Nana's that my baby photo was taken on and that is now a treasured possession of mine, and most of all soaking up the feelings of warmth and love that are so obvious in so many of these precious photos.

I can only hope that in years to come, the many snapshots of our life, and the accompanying journalling in my scrapbooks and PAD shots are just as treasured by my children and grandchildren!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to this gorgeous man...

the wonderful Daddy of these four precious children...

(cant you just see how much they all love having to sit and get a photo taken!!!!!!!!!!!!)

and of course to my darling Dad...

We spent a relaxing Fathers Day, enjoying each others company today.
We drove to the Mannum waterfalls and walked about, enjoying the sunshine as it streamed through the clouds.

We left home with raincoats and beanies, and were pleasantly surprised by how nice the weather was only 30 min from home!

We were bought back to reality as we headed back into the hills and the rain started once again! We enjoyed a yummy lunch at The Pomegranate cafe at Birdwood. Then visited my Mum and Dad, before finishing the day with a visit to Craig's parents. (oops, forgot to get a photo of Craig and his Dad!)
Hope everyone else had a wonderful Fathers day!

PS - Ive been really slack with the blog updates lately - with only a few days until the big 4 -0, Ive been in party planning mode. Hopefully after next weekend I will at least get up to date with uploading my photo a day shots here!