Over the weekend I recieved an email from Michelle at the
Australian Nappy Network with the very exciting news that one of my photos had been selected to appear in the 2009 ANN calender. My little bubba is going to be a calender girl LOL. This is the the shot that was choosen - I wonder which month she will be on!!!!

Those that pop by here regularly (and yes Jacintas 7 month letter is still in production LOL) know that Ive chosen to use Modern Cloth Nappies on Jacinta, and Im excited about being able to share my love of them with other interested people.

If you want to find out more about MCN keep an eye out in your area during
Reusable Nappy week...there may well be something happening near you! (
ANN have details of planned events Australia wide) The ANN are a "a non profit organisation promoting the health, environmental and financial advantages of reusable nappies" so if you or anyone else are interested in finding out more, pop by their web site!
I will leave you with a few more shots of my little girl with her gorgeous cloth bottom!!!!

6 weeks old in an
itti bitti D'lish...

3 1/2 months in a minky

and finally 6 1/2 months old in a
Cherubs Kiss Honeyboy...
AAWW, how cute is Jacinta!!! Well done on getting in :D
Oh, I am so jealous of the CK honeyboy, it is beautiful (And the model is too!)
Nic....Miss J is gorgeous!!...and will make a beautiful calenfdar girl...I think I sould check out some of those nappies too... my new little grand-bub would look very cute in those too...
Mardi x
wow nic...that is exciting news that's for sure.
miss j is just so cute....i want to blow a big raspberry on all those chubby bubby rolls...she looks gorgeous and so happy and healthy.
she is one lucky bubby to have such a beautiful mum and family to guide her through her life's journey xxoo
Ooh congrats Jacinta woohoo!!
But why wouldn't they pick her...she is the cutest little thing..sigh...cluck cluck!!
I'm loving those nappies...something to think about if we go back for no 3!!LOL!!
Congrats little miss calendar girl!!!!
Oh congrats!! how exciting!! oh and that CK is gorgeous!!
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