She loved the cake, but the rest of the day she was a bit miserable. True to form, and just like all her brothers, it turns out she was actually sick on her first birthday. A visit to the doctor yesterday confirmed my niggling suspicions that it was something more than teething or tiredness that was affecting her. The poor little mite has Tonsilitis. We are back off to the doctor this morning, after just one dose of antibiotics last night, she has woken up covered in a rash!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
left over birthday cake
She loved the cake, but the rest of the day she was a bit miserable. True to form, and just like all her brothers, it turns out she was actually sick on her first birthday. A visit to the doctor yesterday confirmed my niggling suspicions that it was something more than teething or tiredness that was affecting her. The poor little mite has Tonsilitis. We are back off to the doctor this morning, after just one dose of antibiotics last night, she has woken up covered in a rash!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Happy 1st birthday sweetheart!
One year ago today we welcomed you into our lives. It was a long day. The boys were all very quick labours - I had never experiened pre-labour before. When I had the first tell tale signs of your arrival at 3am, I expected to have you safe in my arms by 7am - not have to wait until 7pm! Having to wait around most of the day with just niggles, and hints that you were on your way was a totally new experience for us. Luckily once you finally decided to get things moving it all happened very quickly.
With a cold shiver I still remember those first few moments after you were born with the cord wrapped tightly around your neck and body. The terrifying feeling of helplessness and fear that settled over us, enveloping us like a heavy fog until we heard your sweet cry for the first time. Then the feeling of total euphoria as we were able to hold you,
and delight in the fact that we really did have a little girl to complete our family. A beautiful little pink bundle we named Jacinta Grace.At {one} you are ....
...breastfed 3 times a day
...LOVE food, and eat three meals a day, and snacks when ever you see someone else eating.
...refuse to drink any sort of milk/formula/expressed breastmilk from a bottle or cup
...drink lots of water from a non spill sipper cup
...wear cloth nappies during the day, and disposables at night
...wear mostly size 0 clothes, but are starting to move into some of the smaller size 1 tops.
... love playing with the boys toys looks so cute when you drop your lip and start to grizzle. ...Love holding our fingers and pulling yourself to stand. You think you are very clever when we help you stand up to hold onto something all by yourself....enjoy music and dancing. We went to our first session of music & movement last week and you LOVED it.
...have so much fun laughing a giggling with Isaac.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
what a mess !!!!
It was so much fun. My little princess was FAR from a dainty elegant little cake eater though. She dove straight in - basically burying her entire face in the cake for every bite. I can't wait to see the results of the shoot! (eta Philly has some of the shots on her blog now )
Here is a quick snap of the shoot in progress.
... yes that mushy mess of crumbs in front of her was, just minutes before, a painstakingly decorated miniture birthday cake!!!! and despite her looking reasonably clean form this angle, the other side of her face was totally covered in cake!!!
Thanks Philly!!!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Yes the heat was extreme, yes it was a pain, people whinged about the the power cuts from the load shedding, and tragically there were lives lost due to the extreme conditions.
Much of Queensland woke to the sound of rain as well - not the welcome sound of a few much needed drops, but he sound of torrential rains that have the potential to once again seriously flood vast areas of the state, already under seige from the flooding of the previous week.
All this rain, and yet still in SA the Murray River struggles to find enough water to flow, and the lakes are dying a slow torturous death.
But my heart really goes out to those in Victoria. All weekend they endured heatwave conditions even worse than those experienced here in the weeks before.
All across Victoria, the exact situation that thankfully we had managed to avoid was creating devistation beyond belief. The worst natural disaster in Australias history. Horrific bushfires are raveging the state.
The Horsham golf club, that had hosted Craigs Uncles birthday party only months before, once again gutted by fire. Thankfully as far as we know those that are close to us in that area are safe.
So many are no where near as lucky. This morning the official death toll from these devistating fires is 108. My heart goes out to those that have lost family and friends, and my thoughts and prayers are with those still enduring the agonising wait to find out if those close to them have managed to find somewhere safe to shelter.
So many lives lost, and a trail of destruction that is so hard to comprehend.
Australia is the lucky country. The majority of us are only brushed by the effects of wars in counties far away, we are sheltered from the extremes of disease and famine that envelope much of the world. Our government, in comparison to so many countries, is generally pretty good, and does the best they can to try and support the sort of lifestyle we have come to expect.
We are still the lucky country, but as this bushfire strikes with a ferocity never seen by us before we are reminded how fragile our lives and lifestyle really is.
Today I am truly thankful that my family are all safe, that we have a roof over our heads and food on our table. That my children can get a good education, and my husband can go off to work. I count my blessings today.
So many families, just like ours, who probably only days ago were in the same situation, have woken up today, heartbroken, there lives shattered, their loved ones gone, their homes destroyed. My heartbreaks for you all.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
ninety three
93 years