Wednesday, September 27, 2006

10 months

What a difference eight weeks can make. The past couple of months have seen some major milestones reached in your little life.

Your elusive toothy pegs have been popping through quite regulary, to date you have cut seven, with the eruption of another looking imminent. I suspect this discomfort may have something to do with the interupted nights sleep we are still getting on a regular basis. So sweet one, once this next tooth has cut, sleeping all night every night it will be! It is such a treat when you actually sleep all night with out waking. Your day time sleeps are now usually for a couple of hours in the morning and the same in the afternoon.

You have mastered the art of crawling. No longer do your movements look awkward or unco-ordinated, but rather you move quickly and with purpose. Your poor red knees are testiment to your method of movement, and you can often be seen scurrying on your hands and feet (rather than hands and knees) to give them a well deserved break. You pull yourself up to stand on anything with in reach, and have just begun, ever so tentitively, to 'cruise' the furniture. Nothing with in reach is safe from your inquisitive grasp.

The warmth of the spring sunshine has allowed us to spend alot more time outside. You explore every nook and cranny, everything that moves or catches your attention is examined thoroughly. The tiny ants are a constant source of fascination. Your chubby little fingers try again and again to touch them as they scurry across the pavers, but they are usually to quick for you. The blades of grass, the rustling leaves, the sandpit and tonka trucks all have you in a state of wide eyed wonder as you methodically try to make sense of our ever changing environment. Mummies peg basket is a firm favourite. Filled with all those brightly coloured pegs, ready to picked up, dropped, chewed on and rattled around. You still adore being in your swing under the pergola. You giggle and kick your legs wildly in anticipation as I hold your feet and pull you towards me, ready to let you go and let you swing back and forth and back and forth.

Sadly at nine months you promptly decided to wean yourself from your last remaining breastfeed. There was no warning. One morning as we snuggled into my bed for your feed, as we had done so many times before, you refused me. No amount of caoxing would convince you otherwise. You now have three bottles of cows milk a day. One in the early hours of the morning, one before your afternoon sleep, and one at bedtime. You LOVE your food, and recently decided that mashed vegies were not suitable food anymore. You like pasta or rice with diced vegies and minced beef , tuna, chicken or turkey. You love fruit, and yoghurt, milk arrowroot biscuits, cheese, weetbix, porridge, hot chips (from the boys plates when we go out) and even pieces of mummies toasted sandwich and are you are surprisingly efficient at chewing up lumps.

You have definately found your voice. Mum mum mum mum was your first word, although Im not to sure it actually refered specifically to me. Nether the less it was your first definate word. You make so many noises. Snorting and squeeky little noises as you suck air back in. You squeal with delight or frustration. You can turn the tears on in a flash when you get put down or when you get growled at. This comes complete with the cutest poutiest little lip dropping face you have ever seen. Its very effective though, it just melts the heart of anyone you pull it on. You also screw up your nose, purse your lips and snort in and out when we tell you to ssshhhhh - you can be so loud. Your comprehension of what Im saying to you is expanding rapidly. When you touch something you know you shouldnt, you sometimes look at me and screw that little nose up before Ive said a word. You stop, momentarily, when we say no. Your legs kick and jiggle around excitedly when you hear the word botbot (your bottle) . When I smell that tell tale aroma and say whos got a poopy bottom, as I scoop you up to change you, you always give me that sly little grin. When I get you up in the afternoon and say lets go and pick up the boys from school, the biggest smile lights up your whole face. Im sure you understand much more than we sometimes give you credit for.

We went away to Kangaroo Island for a couple of days recently. You travel so well, and are so good when we are away. Your routine is totally disrupted, and you manage on very little of your normal amount of day time sleeps. This time we had a backpack for Daddy to carry you in. You just loved being so close to him. You looked so safe and secure sitting there on his back. When Daddy isnt around you look to me to have all your needs met, but when Daddy is around, more and more you are starting to seek him out. You love his company. You love that he takes you around and shows you things and tells you all about them. I love seeing the special bond that is developing between the two of you.

You are growing so fast.
Time seems to be passing us by so quickly.
You are well on the way to becoming a toddler.
I feel blessed that you are such a delightful little baby.
I love you little one.

Mummy xxx

{ I just adore these photos of Isaac. I am going to have a series of them printed to frame on his wall. (I have already scrapped them, and I only took them yesterday!) The little cane chair is actually my Nannas. I have fond memories of sitting in it at her house as child. I like the photos better in colour, but photoshop has me beat tonight - every time I drag them over to the blank canvas layer they change to b/w !!??????

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

he's got personality!!!

Just lately Isaac has decided that the best way to communicate is through pulling the funniest faces you have ever seen. These two have become quite standard reactions.

No 1. The don't tell me to sshhhhh face, which is pulled on demand anytime someone says ssshhhh.

No 2. The dont tell me NO, drop the lip, pouty face - pulled this time after being growled at for standing up in the bath (again!)

Monday, September 25, 2006

rain, wind, sun, wind and more wind!

What a whirl wind of a trip. We left home at 6.15am Friday morning and headed off to cape Jervis to catch the ferry across to KI. The ferry trip over was aweful!!! It was really windy. the waves were crashing over the window of the boat (well nearly) and there were people vomiting - mmmm what a great start to the holiday. We ended up sitting outside up the back of the boat in the fresh air and were all fine, even Nathan was OK once we were outside. ( Nathan usually gets car sick anyway, so after two hours in the car, then this ferry trip he was looking as white as!) Dont think he would have been if we stayed inside with that smell though! Thank goodness the ferry only took about an hour.

Once we got to KI we headed off to American River to catch up with my sister and her family. We were originally going to crash with them, but due to unforseen circumstances but they had arranged another place just down the road for us instead. It was a big three bedroom holiday house, and much to the kids delight had ausstar on the TV! We went out driving for the afternoon and saw the honey farm and the sheep cheese dairy. Got to try some yummy sheeps cheese & yoghurt. We loved the haloumi, and feta, but the kids favourite was the kefalotiri - so thats the one we bought home with us. Tasted a few different honeys as well, and the kids decided on getting some cup gum honey - its sweet and mild and very yummy. Bizzarr weather today, one minute its pouring the next there is sunshine and not a cloud in the sky.

Saturday was a huge day. Seal bay,

Flinders Chase national park, Admirals Arch,

Remarkable rocks & Kelly Hill caves.

Lots of guided tours = lots of entrance fees. The kids were really good, especially considering how long we were in the car, and that we were gone all day, and only got 'home' about 6.30pm. It helped that the older four car swapped all the time - having your cousin in the car instead of your brother or sister sure made for some peaceful driving time in both cars LOL. We were really lucky with the weather too. It was pretty windy, but still comfortably warm. Lasagne for tea for most of us. Craig LOVES oysters so he bought 2 doz down at the warf and had them!

Sunday we woke up to STRONG winds and pouring rain, the winds and intermittant downpours stuck around till early afternoon, and had us quite concerned about the ferry trip home. We went and checked out Kingscote and had lunch there (I had my favourite - lamb shanks yummo!) before heading back to pack the car. By the time we boarded the ferry at 5.15pm the winds had eased quite a bit, and the trip home was actually really enjoyable. It wasnt that cold outside, so we went between inside and outside, and the 45min trip was over before we knew it. By the time we got back home it was about 8.30pm. We had packed salad rolls and ate them in the car, and then the kids slept most of the way home.

It was a great family weekend. Would have been nice if it were a few days longer, but you cant have everything LOL

***Isaac cut another top front tooth on Thursday night, and one of the bottom side ones this morning....I didnt even realise this one was close! We are upto 7 teeth now.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

so much for...

blogging regularly! Its becoming a bit of a weekly update thing now LOL I spend to much time reading everyone elses blog to update mine more often - everyone elses lives are far more inrteresting anyway! Ive started popping back into the forums a bit too so htere is another chunk of time taken up on the 'puter.

Since last time....Happy Birthday to Mel & Katie - hope you both had great days and got spoilt rotten!

........Sunday night we were offered corporate box tickets from friends to go and see the countdown concert - it was awesome! Lots of oldies but goodies like Brian Mannix (I used to think he was so hot! what was I thinking????) the Chantoozies, Sherbet, Hush, John Paul Young, Leo Sayer (he is SO short and its probably daggy but I quite like his music!), James Reyne (very cool), Mondo Rock, Jon English, Cheetah, Joe Dolce, Choirboys (Run to Paradise - love that song!), Jo Jo Zep, Swanee, Renee Geyer and Paul Norton, Alex Smith( from Moving Pictures), Shane Howard (from Goanna), Scott Carne (from Kids In The Kitchen), James Freud & Sean Kelly (from the Models), Brian Canham (from Pseudo Echo - Yippee he sang funky town), Dave Sterry (from Real Life), Grace Knight and Bernie Lynch (from the Eurogliders), Wendy Stapleton (from Wendy & The Rocketts), Frankie J Holden & Wilbur Wilde (from Ol’ 55), Stephen Cummings (from The Sports) and Billy Miller (from The Ferrets).

Now I gotta admit there were some songs, and some of that list of 'stars' that I had never heard in my entire life - apparently according to Pete - the music guru! - I must have been hiding under a rock for half my life (mmm quite possible) I think it might be Im not as old as some LOL.

Wasnt that keen on sherbert - never have been into them though, and Renee Gayer OMG!!! I think she should have just stayed home (just my opinion, in case there are any die hard RG fans reading)

The rest of the week consisited of running around getting Nath ready for his first 'real' school camp, shopping, cleaning, school canteen etc etc!!!

Friday Sabine and I hit Harbour town as a bit of a birthday treat for us both, AND we did it with NO kids. It has been so long since we had a chance to just hang out for that long with out any of the kids (or husbands!), no pushers, no stopping to feed and change them etc etc. It was fantastic, and way over due. We ran out of time to get into all the shops, so we will have to go again now. Thanks for an awesome day - your the best 'old' (nearly!) girl!

I spent some birthday money and got two denim skirts (OMG, for those that know me Im so NOT a skirt or dress girl, give me jeans or 3/4 pants anyday - but I actually really like both of them) and a pair of 3/4 cargo pants from Rivers, two T shirts and a beaded bracelet from Table 8 and a gorgeous knittted jacket from Colarado. More clothes than I usually but in a whole year!
Oh yeh there is a pumpkin patch outlet down there too - say no more except Isaac did equally well out of the day!

And check out my new hat - I love it!!! Im also not into hats either, so the fact that Ive actually bought one is amazing in its self. Now to see if I actually wear it - if not it will look really funky on my hat rack!!! (and the colours and pattern have my mind ticking over for a LO)

My plans for the next week -

Monday - Scrap shopping at Scrapbook station (so I can finally see Janine again- its been too long - you better have the kettle on!) and catching up with Kathie and Jamie. (and anyone else who wants to come buying yummy stuff, we will be there about 10am)

Tuesday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sabine!!!!! Who is officially older than me once again!

Wednesday - Calebs senior primary school concert/musical.

We are heading away for a couple of days, so I have to get packed and organised for that. Id also like to fit some scrapping with all my new goodies in there somewhere as well. I have to do a two month update (since I never got around to last months) on my little man who will be 10 mnths on Tuesday. Speaking of Isaac, we finally had his fourth tooth break the gum this morning - still two more that are really close. When they are all cut through he is going to start sleeping ALL night with out waking up (ROTFLMAO - I wish!)

Bye till next time!

***EDIT*** do you like my new blogger template? I felt like a change and I did it about a week ago but it wouldnt change....... until just then GGRRR. In doing this Ive managed to loose all my links etc double GGRRR, so lets add find and add back all my links to everyone and everything to my list of things to do this week.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

birthday thanks

Big thanks to all you lovely girls who sent emails, text messages & posted birthday messages on my blog yesterday. You sure know how to make a girl feel spesh!

I had a pretty good birthday. The show was actually better than I had expected and the kids were really good for most of the time we were there. We gave them some money each, and they could spend it on what ever they choose, but when it was gone that was it. They got a couple of showbags each, a bead necklace in their favorite footy colours, a ride on the ghost train and a turn on one of those trampolines where they hook you into a harness attatched to bungy cords (really cool!) ,

some fairy floss and a turn on one of the side shows.

They had a great time! We checked out the animals (I didnt know sheep, geese or roosters could grow that big or be that loud!), and watched the horses, wood chopping and sheaf tossing (wierd!) for a while. Isaac loved the animals and the model train displays, and was wide eyed most of the day. He didnt know which way to look, there was so much to see. Needless to say he is doing quite a bit of sleeping today!

Caleb got a one piece (apparently its a TV show!) showbag, and was running around home looking like this last actually came with a T-shirt as well, which he decided to take off for some reason. I think this will look fantastic blown up to life size at his 21st lol!!!

We had mum & dad and Sabine, Pete & Monice around fore a few quiet drinks last night which was great. I got some cash and the latest SM from my boys, cash from mum & Dad (look out SS here I come!!!) and some gorgeous white serving platters and dishes from S, P & M. I even got a bunch of flowers from Craig when he went to the shops last night!

Lastly I want to wish Mel D a fantastic birthday for tomorrow - have a great day, hope you get spoilt by your gorgeous girls and Darren ;) You never know you might get breakfast in bed, the house cleaned for you, everyone might pick up after you all day, and cook your favourite meals, bring you drinks, and you might not have to move a muscle all day...except your the mum, and its the mum who does all those things for everyone elses birthday lol (tell her shes dreamin')...have a great one anyway lovely!

Kathie I will do that tag soon!

Friday, September 01, 2006


Yeh I know Ive been really slack at updating here, commenting in forums and returning emails (Im still getting to it Michelle!!!) Ive just had one of those I cant be bothered weeks. Ive just felt a bit flat - probably hormonal I would say LOL.

Everything is fine though, and Ive still been lurking around, checking out all of your blogs, and the forums and galleries etc - just couldnt be bothered commenting much - sorry I know that sounds aweful, but Im back now!

I havnt scrapped for about a week either - so many ideas running around in my head, and so little motivation to bring them to reality. I did do half a LO tonight though, and it felt great to get back into again.

Ive been taking heaps of photos, mainly of Isaac (suprise, suprise) - he isnt quite old enough to protest, YET...although its getting much harder to get him to sit still. I keep getting lots of shots like this!!!!

....and this.........

I think he is trying to find out exactly what it is Im always looking inside that little box!!!

The weather here has been absolutley divine the last few days, beautiful warm spring sunshine, and we have been making the most of it and getting outside. My little man just loves crawling around chasing ants, playing with the grass, and exploring the back yard.

Its so cool to watch the absolute wonder on his face as he discovers things for the first time. The sandpit andthe trucks (typical boy, he flipped it straight over and played with the wheels! He was fascinated by the way they spun round and round as he flipped his chubby little fingers on them)

My peg basket full of those colourful pegs was another instant favourite too.

He is just growing up too fast though.

We had a lovely lunch with my Nanna & mum yesterday. I also organised for both my sisters and their bubs to be there too. Got a few pics of Nanna with them all - just a shame that Caleb. Nath & Jess were at school. My sisiter took this one of Nanna, Mum, Isssac & I - not real happy with the actual photo (someone couldnt find the zoom button hey Vic! and on the little 3.2m camera there isnt much cance of croppping to this size and retaining much clarity - and I didnt realise that sun was streaming in quite that badly either - oh well at least I have something to remember the day by!)

I have to admit that I havnt been making the effort to visit either of my Nannas much lately. Life just seems so busy. I really am going to try and see them at least once a month now though. They just adore seeing the kids, especially the bubs, and at 85 & 90 they are not going to be around forever. I really want my boys to have some fond memories that they can cherish forever.

I will upload some pics of baby Tanner soon. Ive only got ones of him with his Mum, and I keep forgetting to ask if she minds me putting them on here.