Friday, November 19, 2010


The celebration of Isaac's 5th birthday began today....

He awoke to a lovely pile of presents

all opened on our bed as usual...

There were presents in the mail (thanks Ange! your timing was spot on xxx)

Lunch at the bakery with Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Jode, Auntie Vic, Georgia & Bailey, followed by cake back at our place.

In between visitors, and pone calls, there was lots of Lego building and playing (his favourite thing to do at the moment)
Some yummy name biscuits made by Auntie Vic - VERY impressed!

Because there is a c in her name, she got to share this one.

The dinner request was sausages and salad.

and yet another cake..appropriately decorated with Lego men (most of them have such grumpy and mean faces...these guys really need to lighten up!)

and a quick photo with Mummy
and to think, just five years ago this was us...

It seems like so long ago, but also like only yesterday.
Happy Birthday Isaac xxx
let the preparations for next weekends 'Rocket' birthday party begin!


kathie said...

Happy birthday Isaac. Wow, what a lot of birthday cakes! Five is a special age, isn't it. Love the lego men.

We got him lego for a present (I was intending to give it to you at Jamie's party, before we knew Isaac was having a party). Now I'm crossing my fingers that it's one he doesn't have, lol!