Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pay it forward
If you would like to play along and pay it forward leave me a comment on this post. The first three people to comment will be choosen. The rules are simple. I will make you a hand-made gift and send it to you sometime within the next 365 days. All you have to do is pledge on your blog to Pay it forward in return - you will have to make three other people who comment on your post something within the next 365 days. And so on, so forth. It's all about sharing the love.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
20 months
Another month has passed. You are growing up so quickly now, my 'baby' has gone and has been replaced with a sweet little girl. I had forgotten what a delightful age this is. You are amazed by everything, you love to play little games, sing little songs and laugh until you give yourself hiccups - just because you can! Despite looking like a sweet girly little girl, you can more often than not you can be found playng with dump trucks or cricket bats or any other of the stereotypical boys stuff that is always laying around here.
The other day you woked out how to make the little wiggles car go forwards all by yourself. You were so excited. Now you can ride around and around the table with Isaac.
I think its time to get you a little ride on of your own. Toni gave us this old one of tanners, but it doesnt even have a seat...not that you seem to mind!
You are still attracted to dirt and mud, thank goodness that its finally starting to warm up, and the puddles of mud have dissapeared. The other day you and Isaac were outside alone for five minutes and this was the result.
Seriously I didnt know where to start, it was right through everything.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
my cake worked!
Here is my Apple & Oat cake recipe from today- mainly so I dont forget it, because according to the children, it absolutley delicious....which equates to, it is pretty much all gone already! Its loosely based on a couple of different apple cake recipes I found this morning. Ive had a go at making it a little healither than the usual butter and sugar filled versions.
Im always on the look out for some yummy treats that are remotely healthy - Im happy for this as an after school snack...might even manage to fill them up for a while!
Apple & Oat Cake

1 cup sugar (could probably get away with 3/4 cup)
1 cup instant rolled oats
1 1/2 cups SR flour
3/4 cup extra light olive oil
2 eggs lightly beaten
1/2 t ground cinnamon
Wednesday 21 October 2009 | 1.30pm
Apple & Oat cake, Chocolate muffins & scones that we baked this morning.
As much as I love the computer, it really is the one big distraction when Im trying to get things done.
A pile of stuff to re home after the big declutter of Isaacs room on the weekend, and a fishing rod that was being used to catch a baby sister earlier.
Thank goodness for the dishwasher!
Isaacs dump truck quarry which has kept him amused for the last week, and which I just packed up - I wonder how long before he notices?
I spend half my life sweeping up. I tend to leave the broom sitting here where I can grab it when ever I need - drives Craig crazy!
One of the joys of having little ones in the house - always toys laying around
One boy, sound asleep..and he still is!
With four males in the house, this is a sight I have had to get used to..and why is it so hard for anyone to put a new roll of toilet paper on?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
One dolls quilt - finished
Monday, October 19, 2009
My big kindy boy
Friday, October 16, 2009
Jacintas room featured on Spearmint Baby
Jacintas Room has been featured on Spearmint baby today
(my favourite source of nursery inspiration)
What a buzz! After all the time Ive spent lookng at all the gorgeous things they have on there, its a thrill to have finished her room and now be featured on there myself!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
boys wear skirts too!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
my diary, quilts and fishing

Sunday, October 11, 2009
anyone for tea?

Friday, October 09, 2009
Jacintas Room - its FINALLY finished!
Her room is quite small, only about 3m x 3m once the built in robe was installed. The room was created on a relatively small budget. The cot and change table are on loan from my best friend, the majority of the items in the room have been hand made by me, or have been gifts given to Jacinta. Ive tried to incorporate all my ideas with out the room feeling cluttered. I wanted a modern'ish', unclutterd yet cosy room, that was filled with love, history and memories, I was also mindful that it wont be too long until she will move from a cot to a bed. I think that most of the things in her room will grow with her in the years to come.
This is the view from the doorway. The gorgeous pink childrens sofa was from Kmart and was a gift from us for her first Christmas. The built in robes were made in the simplest profile available, and match the wall colour. I didnt want them to be a feature of the room. The tree mural is "love tree girl' from the hip infant and was a 1st birthday gift from Grandma & Grandpa.

I wanted some sort of mobile in the room. I loved this one, but wanted to personalise it for her room. I used the shape of the birds from the wardrobe mural
to make these fabric birdies, and mounted the branch to the wall with 3M velcro mounting strips. The butterflys were hand cut from Michael Miller fabric paper and hung with invisible thread.

So there it is! A girly pink bedroom for my little princess. I love it, and more importantly she loves it. She loves all the birdies and loves blowing the butterflys to make them flutter, she went to sleep cuddled up under her new quilt, sucking her dummy, her little pink blankie held securely up near her face. Ahhhhhhhhhh I love this little girl so much!!!!