2009 Advent blog-along | day 11
Sewing Stuff
Since there are a lot of crafty girls popping by here as part of the Advent blog-a-long,( and {obviously}I was struggling to come up with a post for today!) I thought I would share my little stash of sewing stuff.
My Christmas box keeps all my little bits and pieces together. I tend to throw odd things in here while I'm working on projects - its one of those boxes that has to have a regular clean out or it gets a little out of control. I made the thread holder from an old wooden bobbin many years ago. It holds some of my spools of thread. a few vintage spools, and my scissors fit neatly in the top. My needle wrap holds my little scissors, some hand sewing needles, taylors chalk pencils and usually a tangle of embroidery threads! The only essential I still need to add to my basics is a pin cushion - its one of those things Ive always meant to make and never got around too - I must add that to my ever growing list of things to make!
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